Ashley was born and Cincinnati, OH is where she spent most of her days! In 2011 she relocated to Baltimore, MD and has been a registered nurse since 2012. In February of 2019, she started her company after frustrations with eczema care for her daughter. With her experiences & passion to help others, she created a brand built on natural solutions. Using just what nature ordered...Earth'Z RX was the product of her nursing and natural studies. Earth'Z RX doesn't just put anything in their products and since it was started for her family she treats every "CitiZen of Earth" like family. Unlike many over the counter brands and big pharmacy, she doesn't cut corners or compromise for profit at the expense of health and wellness. Ashley believes that The Most High God provided everything we need to battle sin and disease, is right here on/in the earth.

Welcome to Earth'Z Rx, what can nature help you with today for a better future thats out of this world?